The Asian monsoon occurs because of the temperature difference between the land and the Indian Ocean. During the summer, the land gets hotter than the ocean. Hot air over the land rises and cool, moisture rich air from the ocean rushes in to take its place. When this moisture filled air is pushed up by mountains or some other source of lift it cools and condenses into torrential rains. I noticed on the BBC channel this morning the band of monsoon rain inching up the Indian subcontinent is a bit early. Although we have had a few heavy thunder storms in the past few weeks today I realised we had had a little monsoon storm at the almost exactly same time the last three days....the season has begun and right on time.
Can you see the rain?
Maybe you need to look a little closer...
A love a good thunder storm, a decent drop of rain, it usually has the effect of cleaning all the dirt and grime away and I no longer have to worry about standing out in the sun watering wilting browning pot plants. In Phnom Penh though, with very fragile sewerage systems and a significant amount of public urination (I dont even want too think about the other) it has the opposite effect in a lot of places. No playing in the puddles here!
Heavy downpours like that are what I miss most about the tropics. Bewdiful! And so bloody loud!
oh yes! I miss the rain!! Although I understand the difference between a 'cleansing' rain, and ... uh.. not so. :D Oh well, the air is fresher!!
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